Ust-Kamenogorsk Metallurgical Complex
Year: 2022
City: Ust-Kamenogorsk
Project №2
Development and realisation of the project "Introduction of the automated systems of monitoring of emissions into environment on stationary sources", within the limits of obligations, according to the Ecological Code of RK from 02.01.2021, Article 186, item 4. "Monitoring of emissions into environment on objects of 1 category should include use of the automated system of monitoring of emissions into environment".
Technical solutions adopted in the Project comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary-hygienic, fire safety and other norms, operating in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and ensure safety for life and health of people operating the facility, provided that the measures envisaged by the Project are observed.
The project is developed in accordance with the design task, technical regulations "Requirements for safety of buildings and structures, construction materials and products", acts of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, interstate and national TNPA, in compliance with technical specifications.
Purpose and objectives of creation:
- Ensuring continuous automated control of pollutant emissions from organised sources of the Company's subdivisions with the possibility of visualisation and archiving of readings and compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents;
- obtaining reliable information on emissions of pollutants from sources 0004, 0214, 0225, 0226, 0010, 0003, 0001 into the atmospheric air;
- from wastewater discharge into the surface water body - the Ulba River through outlet No. 3 after the sorption after-treatment unit of the treatment facilities;
- comparison of the obtained data with the norms of permissible emissions and discharges in real time;
- generation of environmental reporting, with accumulative accumulation of the data archive, with data transfer to the information system of the authorised body in the field of environmental protection;
- stimulation of reduction of harmful emissions of the enterprise into the atmosphere;
- possibility of remote access to the emission ACM;
- control of technological process efficiency.