Quality Policy

CBS PromTech LLP is engaged in creation and implementation of automated industrial environmental monitoring systems, implementation of complex turnkey projects, including design and engineering, supply of complex automation solutions, provision of project infrastructure, as well as provision of IT service and consulting services.
Our priority is the stability of the Company's work, high and guaranteed quality of our Services.
Our work is based on the leadership of the top management of the Company in ensuring the unity of the Quality Policy and Objectives, in creating the necessary conditions and internal environment built on the principles of openness, benevolence, utmost honesty both within the team and in relation to the Customers of the services provided by the Company.
Transparency of the Company's processes is one of the indicators of adherence to the principles of ST RK ISO 9001-2016 (ISO 9001:2015).
In dealing with customers, we undertake to guarantee the quality of services by:
  • the Company's commitment to meet the requirements and continuously improve the performance of the QMS;
  • ensuring a high professional level of employees, raising the level of their qualification and involvement in the process of continuous quality improvement;
  • clear and proper fulfilment of contractual obligations to customers and contractors;
  • implementation of process and system approaches in the Company;
  • building mutually beneficial, long-term partnership relations with suppliers;
  • decision-making based on analysing the performance of all activities and cases of nonconformities.
  • The Company realises the set obligations by solving the following tasks:
  • formation of teamwork skills, individual and collective search and decision-making.
  • building mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers;
  • ensuring maximum customer satisfaction;
  • planning and decision-making based on risk-oriented thinking.

Quality objectives for 2023
By maintaining and developing the areas stipulated by the Quality Policy, the Company aims to achieve its goals in the field of quality.
in the field of quality, the Company sets the following Quality Objectives:
  1. Establishment of a metrological laboratory for equipment verification and calibration. Obtaining accreditation by the end of 2023.
  2. Opening a training class for engineering staff on the basis of the laboratory, in order to expand the services provided and create greater attractiveness in choosing our Company for potential Customers. Provision of a new service for post-warranty maintenance and timely verification and calibration of the supplied equipment.
  3. Develop a training programme and conduct training of engineering staff on Sick equipment, seminars on verification and calibration of measuring instruments, general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories in accordance with the requirements of GOST ISO / EIC 17025-2019 by the end of 2023. Seminar on internal audit of the management system in accordance with the requirements of ST RK ISO 19011-2019.
  4. To develop by the end of 2023 a procedure for the approval of contracts, using risk management, to assess financial and legal risks, etc.
  5. Expand the line of equipment manufacturers and software represented by our Company in Kazakhstan by the end of 2023.
  6. Expansion of the list of customers and increase of projects by 35% by the end of 2023.
  7. Implementation and development of procedures in accordance with the requirements of ST RK ISO 9001-2016 (ISO 9001:2015), ST RK ISO 45001-2019 (ISO 45001:2018), ST RK ISO 14001-2016 (ISO 14001:2015).

Anti-corruption policy

CBS PromTech LLP prohibits corrupt behaviour towards public officials, as well as bribery in any form of public officials or representatives of the private sector.
Employees of CBS PromTech LLP may not pay or offer bribes or provide other valuables to obtain an improper advantage to third parties with whom CBS PromTech LLP co-operates in public or private.
Compliance with anti-corruption laws.
All CBS PromTech LLP employees must act in accordance with high ethical standards and comply with all applicable anti-corruption laws. CBS PromTech LLP employees are prohibited from directly or indirectly promising, authorising, or giving anything of value to any government official or employee of any governmental entity to influence in an impermissible manner any act or decision of such official that is intended to advance any business interests of CBS PromTech LLP, or to advance in an impermissible manner any business interests of CBS PromTech LLP.
If the expenses have not been approved by CBS PromTech LLP or the representative has not been authorised by CBS PromTech LLP, the representative is prohibited from paying for the travel, lodging and gift expenses of public employees or charitable donations on behalf of CBS PromTech LLP. The Representatives further agree that they are prohibited from using funds provided by CBS PromTech LLP, and any income derived from doing business with CBS PromTech LLP, to pay for relocation expenses, lodging, gifts and charitable donations for government employees unless approved by CBS PromTech LLP or authorised in writing by CBS PromTech LLP.

Prohibition on facilitation fees. A facilitation fee is a fee of a small amount designed to secure or expedite a standard procedure by a government employee. CBS PromTech LLP prohibits bribery in any form, including facilitation fees.

Accurate record keeping and documentation. CBS PromTech LLP employees must record all payments and other compensation in a timely manner and in sufficient detail in books, records and documents. You may not have hidden or unrecorded accounts for any purpose. Inappropriate, inaccurate, misleading, incomplete, inaccurate or fictitious entries in accounting records are prohibited. Personal funds may not be used for activities prohibited under this or other CBS PromTech LLP policies.

Gifts and Treats
CBS PromTech LLP requires employees to be discreet, cautious and restrained with respect to gifts and entertainment in the context of a business relationship. Different attitudes towards gifts and entertainment may be determined by cultural differences, but all gifts and entertainment offered and received must not contravene laws or violate the respective policies of the offering and receiving parties. In addition, they must be consistent with local customs and norms.

Confidentiality Policy

Employees of the LLP (hereinafter referred to as "Employees") must comply with the rules of information handling and are obliged to keep strictly confidential information classified as confidential, which has become known to them through their work or otherwise.
Disclosure of confidential information of the LLP, transfer to third parties, publication without the consent of the LLP, as well as its use for any activity that as a competitive action may cause damage to the LLP, shall entail criminal, administrative, civil and other liability in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal acts of the LLP.
An employee is obliged to work only with those information and documents of a confidential nature of the LLP to which he/she has gained access by virtue of his/her official duties, to know which specific information is subject to protection and to strictly comply with the rules for its use.
The employee must also know which employees are authorised to work with information containing confidential information of the LLP to which he/she has access and to what extent this information may be communicated to these employees.
When interacting with third parties, an Employee may introduce their representatives to confidential information of the LLP only with the authorisation of the management. In doing so, they must identify the specific issues to be addressed and indicate to what extent the information to be protected may be communicated.
It is prohibited to place confidential information of the LLP unnecessarily in documents containing state secrets and having, therefore, the corresponding classification. In case an Employee discovers the loss or shortage of documents containing confidential information, passes, keys to secure rooms, vaults, safes, personal seals, as well as the reasons and conditions of possible leakage of such information, the Employee shall immediately inform his/her immediate superior and the LLP Security Department to check the loss or shortage of such information.

Upon termination of employment, before going on leave or travelling on a business trip, the employee must hand over all LLP confidential information carriers (manuscripts, drafts, documents, floppy discs, printer printouts, etc.) that were at the employee's disposal in connection with the performance of his/her official duties.
An employee shall, at the first request of his/her supervisor, present for inspection all materials containing confidential information of the LLP, provide oral and written explanations on violations of the established rules of accounting and storage of documents containing such information.
In the event of an attempt by unauthorised persons or organisations, including foreign ones, to obtain confidential information, the Employee shall report this to the first manager and his deputies, as well as to the LLP Security Department.
Obligations related to the protection of confidential information of the LLP do not limit the Employee's rights to intellectual property, in particular, filing an application for invention, possible patenting, etc. The realisation of the Employee's rights to intellectual property is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

We will answer all your questions!
050031, Almaty,
Sainа st., 18а
Tel: +7 (701) 560-97-23
Mail: info@pt-cbs.kz